Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day - Meal Plan Monday 5-30

Where has the month gone?  I am sure I don't know where.

Things are hopefully going to get back on track for me this week.  I need to work on my "To Do" list for sure after having last week so messed up.  Monday is Memorial Day.  That means holiday for the working crew around here and no school.  Kind of dumb in my opinion, that they get the day off then go back to school for three days.  Half days at that for finals.  Maybe if they didn't have three separate three day weekends in January and February (King's birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday) they wouldn't have to go to school this next week.  But what do I know, I am just a parent, that has to drive them to school and activities.  Thursday June 2 is the last day of school, then Monday June 6 starts summer school and volleyball practice.  In case you are interested, that means that starting next Monday, I get to drive my daughter to school at 5:00am each morning.

Well, since there is a holiday, we are having the boys come over and going to cook out.  Don't know what we are cooking yet as hubby hasn't made up his mind on what meat he wants to burn yet.  Thankfully, we are having wonderfully mild weather.  Especially for this time of year for here.

Here is what the meals for the week around here look like.
Mon. - Grilling something.
Tue. - Chicken Saltimbocca, rice, carrots
Wed. - Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad
Thu. - Baked Sausage, easy mac & cheese, green beans
Fri. - If wild fire is out and weather hold we will be heading to mountains for some camping and riding for the week end.

Don't forget to go by MPM on Organizing Junkie for more great menu postings.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I've followed your example and joined the Menu Planning Monday group. Looks like fun and you were definitely inspiring! Thanks.

  2. My dad would be so excited if I ever put chicken fried steak on the menu. I don't know how I would feel about it though lol
