It has been a while since I last posted. Things have just been so crazy. Where should I start.
First, not much happening on the sewing front. I have the desire to sew, just am not able to get it done. I did get the little doll blankets done that I posted about. Haven't pulled the photos off the camera yet, but will. Just to back track a short way, these were some quilt blocks that someone had put together intending to make a quilt. They were donated, along with some other fabrics, to our church quilt ministry. They had been thrown in the trash, were pulled out of the trash and I took them home and took apart a section of it. Then turned the four color sections in to four little doll quilts for the church's preschool kids to play with. Finally finished up the hand work and took them to the preschool. Well, the director just loved them. Only one problem, they never made it to the preschool room. The director showed them to the infant workers and they kept them for the babies to lay on. Hey, as long as they are getting used. The really neat thing about that is the director has hired me to make up some aprons. They are really simple and the workers are having to pay a ridiculous amount to buy them. I am excited about this and hope to start on them later this week. Have to make a top and blouse for my mom's birthday first.
I have an ultrasound tomorrow so they can see if anything is wrong with my ovaries. They did a biopsy of the uterus and cervix a couple of weeks ago which came back clear. Someone really should invent a way to make that procedure painless. To add to that, I have had a colonoscopy and what ever you call it when they put the camera down your throat to look at your stomach. Through all of that, drinking that gallon of vile tasting swill to clean out the plumbing was the absolute worst of all. I was only able to keep down about half of it. At any rate, had a really large polyp removed, a biopsy done on a tumor that was found, they also found diverticulitis and stomach erosion. Looked at the Hiatel Hernia, which nothing is being done about at the moment. Of course through all of this, no one can tell me why my stomach and chest feels like it is in a vice grip when I have to get up and walk, why I am constantly tired, so I guess it is just all in my head. Add to that the fact that even today, 5 days after the procedure, I still empty everything I eat out with in an hour or so of eating a meal. If I could just loose weight by this happening I could learn to deal with it better. As it is, am having to just learn to deal with it all any way because there is nothing else to do about it.
Okay, on to other topics. I did get my fridge cleaned out finally. Left overs to the dogs, spoiled and expired to the dumpster. Oh and did the four legged kiddos ever scrap over the scraps. LOL I usually always get a bit miffed at myself at the waste of money when I have to throw food out, but this time there wasn't that much. Mainly lunch meat which really seems to go a bit green rather quickly. With the problems I am already having with the personal plumbing, I am taking no chances with food that is turning or old.
Guess I have had a nice little rest while I typed this post. Need to get back to my cleaning. After I hit the potty...again. Tonight is Monday, that means...drum roll...Monday Night Football. That will be showing in the living room. I however will be in my Woman Cave (my hubby's name for the sew/craft room) watching other things. Let's see, there isn't really anything much else on Monday's but guess I will have to see how Law & Order goes. For a good laugh I can watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta. The ladies of DC or just so crazy, but then I guess living in the Capital the craziness of that town just rubs off. You know, that series is on Bravo and that network continually appalls and shocks me at the utter shun of morals they portray in all shows. But, like an idiot, I still stop in and watch. At least later tonight will be the new Hawaii 5-0. I wasn't sure I would like it when it first aired, but watching it I find only the names are the same as the original series. Kind of the same plots, you know get the bad guys, but the characters are much more believable and DannyO doesn't wear a suit and seems to be more a member of the team instead of...the lower level of workers. At any rate, I love seeing the scenery of the show and seeing the places I saw when I visited my brother while he was stationed there. Makes me miss the island.
Okay, am off to do the chores.
I Wonder
1 hour ago